10th October…What is something that you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
10th October…What
is something that you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
10th October, 7,45 p.m. another outstanding Barcelona TM Club session
in this case led by the Toastmaster Soledad Catellano. As a consequence that
our President Isabel Montero was absent Sebastian Ortega introduced us to the
First, the
technical Team composed by Cristina Gil as Ah-Counter, Ángela Delgado as Grammarian and finally
Andreina Peraza as Timekeeper
1st Speaker. The first
speech was from Alvaro Fernandez, his Ice Breaker! ( CCM-1 Ice breaker ) -“What makes you different”-. Closely attended by his mentor Mª
Luisa Gomes, he seemed pretty calm in his opening as public speaker. In his 6 minutes
of glory he explained a brief recap of his live, and clarified what makes him different
during his life and why. He claimed that the main reason for coming to Toastmasters
Club is becoming able to give not only for giving good speeches but also very amazing,
that will make him different from the others. Sure, you’ll get it Alvaro. He ended up sending a powerful question to the
audience: “¿what makes you different?”
2nd Speaker. The 2nd
speech was from Anne-Sophie Bata ( CCM-2 Organize
your speech ), “The ugly side of the
beautiful game”. Anne came back to the stage with a well-structured new
speech. The beautiful game was in this case the Football. She highlighted two
main issues in this sport: money and corruption. The immense popularity of the football
is now the root why it moves huge quantities of money. Another plague is
corruption. FIFA has been involved in scandals in Russia World Cup as well as in
the next one in Qatar. Not only money and corruption are problems in football but
also has it to cope with others problems such as illegal betting, doping,
violence and racism.
Evaluation Time
carried out first speech’s Alvaro evaluation. Yanina highlighted as positive
things: perfect tone of voice and clarity, Alvaro showed his attention to everybody
and everywhere, he didn’t use notes, sense of humour was included in her
speech, but the best for her was the perfect conjunction between his introduction
and conclusion. What could Alvaro improve next times: making longer pauses
after questions to the audience and working his position during his speech on
the stage.
As regards
Anne’s speech it was evaluated by Sebastian. First of all, he reminded the main
objectives of 2nd speech: a well-structured speech with strong opening
and conclusion and he gave his advice to Anne. Apart from that, he compared her
1st performance vs the 2nd one, suggesting that she was now
more confident. He remarked as well she already moves a lot on the stage and he
recommend looking at people stronger in the point she wants to achieve more
impact. Look at wrong places is a signal of forget thinks so she could take
more time to prepare the speech. Finally a tip useful for everyone: if you
forgot something say a neutral sentence or question instead of be silent and
The last evaluation
was done by Zuzana. She praised widely Camilla’s speech. Zuzana mentioned one
after another all strengths of the previous talk. The most acclaimed was the
great organization of the speech, the very good use of pauses as well as the
use of the pitch and rhythm. But also she alluded the colourful slides, the
simple and clear use of the language with clear distinctions such as “them and us” or “rich and poor”. She valued highly
of course the hopeful message Camilla gave at the end.
Few things
for improving, perhaps she missed some key words to increase expressiveness of
the speech.
Table topics
The other
couple was characterized by Albert and Bea. Albert, with compelling voice
suggested Bea that it was high time to have a baby helped with expressions like
“se te pasa el arroz”. The only thing he got from Bea gave was a categorical
and substantial negative reply.