2010 Reverse session and Xmas party
On Wednesday Dec 1st our Club had the first of the two last sessions of this fantastic year 2010 for Barcelona Toastmasters. Almost 40 people attended the session so we had to book a larger room at EAE. Being it a completely reverse, upside-down session, the choice of the Word of the Day was totally appropriate: "Surreal" (thanks Sue!!).
The reverse session dynamics, carefully prepared in advance by our VPEs Cormac and Pilar, implied that we started the session by evaluating the session (M.A. the General evaluator using his crystal ball), then evaluating the Speeches, then actually doing the Speeches, next we did the Table Topics (thanks Liz and Judit for the name raffle), announcing the Table Topic theme (David had to make magic), finally Peter our SAA welcoming everyone to the session (please turn your mobiles offfff).
Both the evaluators (Djanira, Kai, Sue) and speakers (Pilar, María, Marina) had to guess and/or adapt their speeches and evaluations to what was coming next, making it all the more fun, and, surreal!
After that we all enjoyed a well-deserved Xmas dinner party at the Llar del Pa Torrat, our classic hangout after sessions. Adrian made some pics of the evening!
Have a great "pont",
VP PR, Barcelona Toastmasters

P.S. The one who must REALLY have thought we're surreal is the unnanounced-waltz-in-late guest whom we never identified, never got an e-mail from him requesting to come, and who of course didn't get the info that we were conducting a Reverse session. As we say in Spanish, debe haber flipado!!! jejeje
Qué dia más entrañable!!!(; Estuvo genial. Crei recordar echarme alguna foto, tu te acuerdas Celine? Quizás fue por la cervecita de más jeje.. Nos vemos el 15!!
ResponderEliminarBesotes a todos
Gente divertida e interesante. Con buen corazón. Encima aprendes.¿Que más se puede pedir?
ResponderEliminarJose Taure
Miembro del "Barcelona Toastmaster Chollo Club"
Mi foto no sale......felicidades a todos lo que hicieron posible esa excelente sesion, al reves todo se ve mas interesante.
ResponderEliminarMarisol Cifuentes.
Muy buena sesión, divertida, divertida y con suerte, quien iba a pensar que me tocaría la "lotería" al ser el primer afortunado en los table topics, jeje!!!
ResponderEliminarUna cena muy agradable, ¿repetimos?