miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

Happy Birthday!

“Today is a great day, it’s our birthday!” These words were pronounced by Catalina Maldonado, as our President, at the beginning of today’s session. 12 years ago a group of enthusiastic speakers started Barcelona Toastmasters Club, the oldest club in Spain.
After the presentations, with Mariyana as the Toastmaster of the session, and Enrique, Camilla, Laia and Felipe as Timekeeper, Grammarian, Ah-Counter and blogger, respectively, the speeches started, being “luscious” the word of the day.
The first speaker was Georgiana Moldoveanu. It was her first speech, the Icebreaker. She asked us “Are you an economizer?” The theory of this research assistant psychologist is that we categorize people even we don’t know them. So, she asked to not economize efforts in knowing people better, to open our minds and ask why and how people are who they are when we meet them.
Then Mario Mera's time arrived. Mario wondered “Does size really matter?” His answer was a categorical “Yes!” And he showed us the size, no shorter than 20 cm and no longer than 30 cm. Why? Because skirts (what were you thinking about?) have to be short enough to create interest and long enough to cover the subject. 
Jelena and Rayane appreciate both speeches as very good ones, and both evaluators showed their interest on our speakers of the day next speeches. All of us are waiting!
Then we came in the third part of the session, the Table topics, conducted by Doriana. She introduced Antonio, the “Gelato World Cup 2013” winner and invited to five people to stand up for gelatos made… with human milk, with a face form, with cookies and hand cream, for cats and… invisible! One of these gelatos is a fake but, do you know which one? Felipe, Olga, José Manuel (one of our guests), Joan and Pol had hard but funny speeches to stand up these kinds of gelatos.
Júlia, our General Evaluator of the evening, let to the table roles to give their reports and valuated the session as a “great session” but… please be punctual and check slides before the session.
Catalina ended the session delivering to Georgiana the Icebreaker band, and reminded us that in a few days we have committee elections and positions are open for the next sixth months.
As an appendix to the session, Paul reminded us the date for the 12th anniversary party, and Rayane a TAG-Contest (Timekeeper-Ah-Counter-Grammarian) on 1st of July; participants are required! (visit our post on this blog http://bcntoastmasters.blogspot.com.es/2015/05/nuevo-concurso-de-roles-tag-contest.html).
The sitting is closed.

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